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Pearl Jam ehren Taylor Hawkins

Pearl Jam haben bei ihrem Auftritt in Los Angeles an den verstorbenen Foo Fighters-Drummer Taylor Hawkins erinnert und den Track "Cold Day In The Sun" gecovert, den Hawkins gesungen hat. Den Gesang übernahm daraufhin Pearl-Jam-Drummer Matt Cameron.

Vedder kündigte das Cover mit den Worten an: "It's never easy when you lose someone. As you get older, you'll notice it starts happening more and more. It's just where you are on the timeline and where your friends are on the timeline. But sometimes, like this, it's so unexpected. But also makes it harder because he was someone who truly, truly loved living life on this planet. So I guess the one thing we can be consoled by is the fact that he never wasted a moment, and he did live his life to the fullest. We just want more of it."

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