Johnny Cash - "Hurt"Anfangs lachte man noch über Menschen, die von "Hurt" als schönste Komposition aus der Feder Johnny Cashs sprachen. Die Häme war allerdings unangebracht: Selten verinnerlichte jemand ein Stück mit einer derartigen Inbrunst wie der alternde Country-Sänger. Danach wollte man kaum …

  • Vor einem Jahr

    Von wegen genoss und schwieg. In einem Interview erzählt er wie es zu dem Cover kam. Er erzählt auch wie es war als die CD in seinem Briefkasten lag . Und er beschreibt wie es war als er den Clip dazu gesehen hat. Er sagte das es jetzt nicht mehr sein Song sei.

    • Vor einem Jahr

      Aus dem Kontext gerissen, falsch, Lüge!…

      Rick Rubin has been a friend for a long time, and he called me asking how I felt about Johnny covering "Hurt." I was flattered, but frankly, the idea sounded a bit gimmicky to me. I really didn't put much thought into it, as I was working on something at the time and was distracted. A few weeks later, a CD shows up with the track. Again, I'm in the middle of something and put it on and give it a cursory listen. It sounded... weird to me. That song in particular was straight from my soul, and it felt very strange hearing the highly identifiable voice of Johnny Cash singing it. It was a good version, and I certainly wasn't cringing or anything, but it felt like I was watching my girlfriend fuck somebody else. Or something like that. Anyway, a few weeks later, a videotape shows up with Mark Romanek's video on it. It's morning; I'm in the studio in New Orleans working on lack De La Rocha's record with him; I pop the video in, and... wow. Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps... Wow. I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore. Then it all made sense to me. It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. Some-fucking-how that winds up reinter-preted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning-dif-ferent, but every bit as pure. Things felt even stranger when he passed away. The song's pur-pose shifted again. It's incredibly flattering as a writer to have your song chosen by someone who�s a great writer and a great artist.

    • Vor einem Jahr


      Hä, wieso Lüge denn?

  • Vor einem Jahr

    Bleibt so richtig, richtig, richtig scheiße, die Version. Kapiere auch die Geschichtsverfälachung nicht. Cash konnte den Song nicht leiden, und mußte sehr von Rubin überredet werden. Und das ist auch sehr offensichtlich hörbar.