
  1. 1. Introduction: By Cas Walker
  2. 2. Wabash Cannon Ball
  3. 3. You Gotta Be My Baby
  4. 4. Tall Man
  5. 5. Dumb Blonde
  6. 6. Something Fishy
  7. 7. Put It Off Until Tomorrow
  8. 8. My Blue Ridge Mountain Boy
  9. 9. You All Come (Y'all Come)
  10. 10. Bloody Bones (A Story For Kids) (Spoken Word)
  11. 11. Don Howser Makes Presentation (Spoken Word)
  12. 12. Comedy By Speck Rhodes (Spoken Word)
  13. 13. Run That By Me One More Time
  14. 14. Jeannie's Afraid Of The Dark
  15. 15. Tomorrow Is Forever
  16. 16. Two Sides To Every Story
  17. 17. How Great Thou Art


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Die Künstlerin Dolly Parton verträgt nur Superlative. Schreiberlinge rund um die Welt würdigten sie oft genug als feminines Pendant zu Elvis. Und das …

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