

Beste Hip Hop-Band, beste Live-Band, beste Band überhaupt, bester Drummer – die Lobeshymnen auf The Roots sind vielfältig, die Superlative jedoch …


  1. 1. The Roots Is Comin'
  2. 2. Pass The Popcorn
  3. 3. The Anti-Circle
  4. 4. Writers Block
  5. 5. Good Music (Preclude)
  6. 6. Good Music
  7. 7. Grits
  8. 8. Leonard I-V
  9. 9. I'm Out Deah
  10. 10. Essawhamah? (Live At Soulshack)
  11. 11. There's A Riot Going On
  12. 12. Popcorn Revisited
  13. 13. Peace
  14. 14. Common Dust
  15. 15. The Session (The Longest Posse Cut In History)
  16. 16. Syreeta's Having My Baby
  17. 17. Carryin' On

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